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We will have a 1 day auction preview for this estate on the day the auction ends, Thursday August 3rd 2023 12pm until 2pm ONLY.
**Auction pickup will be Saturday August 5th, 2023 10am-4pm ONLY!!**
-If your items are not pick up on Saturday August 5th during the designated times no refunds will be given and your items will be resold by CLA!!-
-If the lot you are bidding on includes shelving or contents of you are responsible for removing ALL of the items in that lot. No items can be left at the location! Please advise if their are items left in a lot that you purchased we will charge your card on file a disposal fee!!
-Please bring your own help & muscle to remove large items. Also please bring your own boxes & packing material
This estate has tons of gym equipment-Weight benches, Brute Force Bags & Weights, Weighted Vest, Battle Rope, Preacher Curl, Hex Bar, Heavy Bags, & more
Farmhouse/Shabby Chic like new Furniture & Decor, Adjustable Sealy Bed, Cal King Bedroom Set, Handmade/Hand-painted decor items
A whole craft room Filled with Goodies!-Cricut, Organizers, Paint, Vinyl Rolls, Heat Presses, eBosser, Stampmaker, Rubber Stamps & More
Shed full of tools-John Deere Mower, New pushmower, Trimmers, Edger, Chainsaw, ladders, Roller, Pressure Washer, Saw Horses, Blower, Shop Vac, Like new Sentry Safe, Oculus VR Gear
Religious Decor, Sinage, and plenty of books & Bibles, Large Nativity Set, 7' Wooden Cross, Cedar Chest, Crosses, & More
Outdoor Decor, Grill, Furniture, Benches, Handpainted Concrete Jesus, Jesus, Hammock, Firepit, & More
Tanning Bed, Washer/Dryer Set, Refrigerator, Kitchen Pan Rack, Small Kitchen Appliances, Juicer, Pressure Cooker, Induction Cooktops, Raclette Table Grill,